The website and its related services, products, websites, tools and applications (Website) is owned and operated by JYLF Management Pty Ltd ACN 619 929 207 as trustee for the Brilliant Trust ABN 43 484 141 803 trading as LaksaMate (LaksaMate).
These ecommerce terms and conditions (Terms and Conditions) govern the supply of any Products (as defined below) ordered by you on the Website or by any other means, including by telephone or email. Other terms and conditions contained in our privacy policy (Privacy Policy) and Website Terms of Use also form part of our agreement with you. If you have entered into a Credit Application with us, the terms contained in that Credit Application also form part of our agreement with you.
By using the Website or by placing an order with one of the above methods or by giving your acceptance to these terms, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If you don’t agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, you must not use the Website.
These Terms and Conditions may be updated by us from time to time. Each order placed on the Website will be a separate contract and the Terms and Conditions that apply to an order will be the version of the Terms and Conditions that is on the Website at the time you place your order. Each time you use our Website you should revisit these Terms and Conditions.
In these Terms and Conditions unless inconsistent with the context or subject matter the following terms have the corresponding meanings:
(a) Applicable Laws: any Applicable Laws (including orders, by-laws and regulations) in the jurisdiction in which you, and any User you are interacting with are located or which in any way govern or affect the use of the Website;
(b) Australian Consumer Law: the Australian Consumer Law (as set out in Schedule 2 to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth));
(c) Credit Application: any Credit Application entered into by us with you;
(d) GST: has the meaning given in A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax)
Act 1999 (Cth);
(e) Loss: any loss, liability, cost, charge, expense, tax, duty or damage of any nature whatsoever, including special, incidental, or consequential damages, losses or expenses (howsoever arising or caused, including, without limitation, negligence);
(f) our, us and we: LaksaMate;
(g) Privacy Policy: our privacy policy accessible on the Website;
(h) Products: has the meaning given to it under clause 2 and includes any other products offered for sale on the Website;
(i) State: New South Wales;
(j) User: any person who uses the Website; and
(k) you and your: a User.
LaksaMate sells laksa paste, and may also make other products available through the Website (together the Products).
LaksaMate sells laksa paste, and may also make other products available through the Website (together the Products).